Sunday, December 27, 2009


I watched Avatar yesterday, and that was the one of greatest movie to close this year I think.. When I look at the Navi’s nature, I felt like.. whoaaa…. Amazingly beautiful! So, when the sky people came and destroy their nature (maybe you’ll think that I’m a moron), I cried. I cried for watch their pure nature not only contaminated, but DESTROYED..
I analogous to that Navi’s land is earth and the sky people are human. The human are so egoistic, stupid and so cruel. Human being always be like that. Sometimes there is no humanity in their soul. If humans continue to do what they do now, in this case, ruin our nature, then our future posterity (Navis) will feel the impact.
I increasingly realized that I LOVE the world. This earth. I love breathing in the air, look up and see how blue the sky is, look around and find that the trees, the plants are so green. I love to see the dogs, the polar bears, the birds fly freely. And I like to see the happy faces of people
So, which side will you pick?

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