Monday, July 19, 2010

Lucid Dream

Probably you've seen Inception. One of best movie from the Highness Leonardo DiCaprio. The story about a crime by using someone dream to enter his mind that will lead to the deepest secret . The main lead, a.k.a Dom Cobb (Leo) is a professional thief of stealing information from the dream state. Now, he got a chance to fix things up from his past that will bring him back to his children This chance came when Saito offered him a job, not to steal but to plant the idea, make an inception to Robert Fischer, Jr, a multimillion dollar oil company heir so that he could ruin his own empire. But, apparently, Dom himself has a secret about his past that could fail this mission.

Well, I just know from my friend who also watch this movie, that there's a phenomenon called Lucid Dream. Lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is dreaming. So, he can build his own imaginary and dream environment. Like, you can control your dream storyline. Lucid dreams can seem extremely real and vivid, depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream.

Something interesting about dreams in general, but specially true in Lucid dreams, is that everything looks, feels and smells real and sometimes even more "real than real", this is because dreams stimulate the same brain zones than our awakened perception experiences. This means that if we dream kissing someone, the same neurological networks are triggered as if we would actually be in the heat of the kiss.

A lucid dream can happen in one of two ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes it is a dream, while a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state, with no apparent lapse in consciousness.

A 1995 study in Germany indicated that lucid dreaming can also have varied time spans, in which the dreamer can control the length. The study made the participants to record their dreams in a log and how long the dreams lasted. In 1985, LaBerge performed a pilot study where lucid dreamers counted out ten seconds while dreaming, signaling the end of counting with a pre-arranged eye signal measured with electrooculogram recording. LaBerge's results were confirmed by German researchers in 2004.

Miss perception that "I'm still dreaming" can also occurs in this matter. This lucid dream can be similar to a near death experience.

If you want to experience the lucid dreams, maybe you can practice a dream recall. Dream recall is remembering what you've dreamed while you were sleeping. To improve dream recall, some people keep a dream journal, writing down any dreams remembered the moment one awakes. Dream recall can also be improved by staying still after waking up, so the principles of state-dependent memory may apply. Similarly, if the dreamer changes positions in the night, they may be able to recall certain events of their dream by testing different sleeping positions.

Another easy technique to help improve dream recall is to simply repeat (in thoughts or out loud) "I will remember my dreams," before falling asleep. Stephen LaBerge recommends that you remember at least one dream per night before attempting any induction methods.

-with some informations from wikipedia and the salvia dream-

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